Hello friend! I'm writing this post late Sunday night to automatically post in the wee hours of Monday morning...and I just have to say...what a glorious day to have been on the bike!
We woke up late this morning because the alarm clock didn't go off...that gave me less then an hour to get ready for church. I don't like being late so I would rather go with less makeup and my hair half done. We went on the bike so it's not like my hair was going to look like I spent time on it after I took my helmet off.
After church we went for brunch with some of my husbands extended family. My husband's wonderful Dad, and step Mom, dear Aunty Birtha, and Uncle Johnny. We all stand outside after church and spend 5-10 minutes just trying to decide where to eat. Then we go to one of our 4 usual restaurants.
When brunch was over Barry and I stopped in at a clothing store so he could get some new shorts.
This was part of our conversation today...
Barry: Baby why don't you get some new summer dresses or shoes while we're here?
Me: No. I'd rather spend money on art supplies.
You can relate right?!
I didn't want to...but after some coaxing I walked out of there with 3 new summer dresses.
was very spoiled this week. I had just spent the day yesterday with my
friend, Jan celebrating National Scrapbooking Day by supporting
the industry that we love! You know what that means...
I now have to buy new organizational iris carts and baskets.
I like to be organized so I don't buy duplicates or tripples of things I already have. That's a little upsetting when it happens. I'm getting to the point where I sometimes don't remember what I have and that signals red lights for me that say, *Stop hoarding supplies and start using up what you have* but then that thought gets replaced with *Shiny*
I also want to share that I'm quite thrilled that I only need to get 31 more Copics to complete my collection.(My Precious) Yes,dreams do come true! (:
That alone is worth celebrating. As careful as I have tried to be when buying Copics,I still managed to buy two duplicate colors. You can relate right?!
The rest of the afternoon today was spent in the warm sunshine on the Harley. Talk about major vitamin D being injected into my bloodstream. I have missed you, healing, warm sunshine and delicious wind caressing my skin!!
It has been a long winter...but back to the card...
Because I have really, every color I could possibly need, I was able to color and make this Hanna Lynn mermaid card.
I love Hannah Lynn images, and this is one of my favorites. I fell in love with this image when I first saw it here on Rosie's blog. Isn't that an amazing card?
I saw that over a year ago when I first started coloring and blogging.
That made me think about all the blogs I've found and followed that have inspired my coloring and card making over the past year.
I wanted to share with you some of the blogs I follow that have inspired me. These are the artists who's work I admire, study and learn from. From first to last as I discovered them...
There's a few more I can't think of right now...
I laugh at myself when I think back to a year ago, and remember saying to myself..."There is no way I'm adding those elaborate flowers and those hand colored seam binding bows to my cards!No way!"
I've learned to never say never...
I realize that there are so many ways to color and to design cards and I'm interested in exploring as many ideas as I can.
Thanks to all the Copic artists who share their color combination recipes, supply lists, and instructional videos with all of us,who are looking to learn.
Skin: E000,E00,E11,R20,BV20
Hair: E50,E53,E43,E57
Sunken ship:BG32,YG93,YG95,W5,W7,YG91
Treasure Chest:E11,E13,E15,E18,B32,Y35,Y38
Sea worms:FYR1,FY1
message in a bottle:FYG1,FY1
Leaves: BG32,BG34,FYG2
Floaty stuff on ship:RV52,R22
Opaque White sharpie
Viva Pearl pen
Edited to add this badge: